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Possible Solutions

Here, you find possible solutions to the problems that may occur when installing or running PLOSSYS 5.

No Dashboard After Updating to 5.3.2

With PLOSSYS 5.3.2, the dashboard of PLOSSYS Administrator has been secured. In order that the user can see the dashboard, the dashbord area has to be specified in the ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS key. For more information, refer to ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS.

Wrong Order of the Log Data

Make sure that the times are synchronous among all PLOSSYS 5 servers in your cluster.

Flickering Browser When Opening PLOSSYS Administrator

If you cannot open the user interface, PLOSSYS Administrator, and the browser is flickering, the reason could be be one of the following situations:

  • Check the configuration for the OIDC identity provider. Check if the AUTH_ISSUER_URL and the ID_PROVIDER_NAME environment variables are specified correctly. For more information, refer to Configure the PLOSSYS Administrator Environment.

  • The HTTP code 304 (Not Modified) is returned erroneously by the services. This is shown in the log data. Then deactivate the ETag handling by setting USE_ETAG to N.

Loading Browser When Opening PLOSSYS Administrator

If Loading... is the only thing you get when opening the user interface, PLOSSYS Administrator, the reason could be the following situation:

  • You do not have the permission to do anything with PLOSSYS Administrator. In the OIDC identity provider, check if you have a role assigned that has permissions for PLOSSYS Administrator.

Authentication Error With PLOSSYS CLI

If the call of PLOSSYS CLI returns the Access denied, please specify valid authentication error message, the reason could be that the environment variables for the OIDC identity provider have been misconfigured.

  • Check the environment variables for the OIDC identity provider. Check if the AUTH_ISSUER_URL and the ID_PROVIDER_NAME environment variables are specified correctly. For more information, refer to Configure the PLOSSYS CLI Environment.

Exporting from easyPRIMA to PLOSSYS 5 Does Not Work

When updating to PLOSSYS 5.1.0 and using easyPRIMA as of version 1.3.1, the package has to be installed for easyPRIMA. Otherwise, the export from easyPRIMA to PLOSSYS 5 does not work and the 500 SSL negotiation failed error message is output to the logfile of easyPRIMA (edc.log).

Hint - stop the system

Before installing the package for easyPRIMA, stop the system and all Perl processes completely (sysstop -full). Otherwise, the Perl environment will break.

Viewing Log in Kibana Does not Work

If an error message is output in PLOSSYS Administrator when trying to view the log in Kibana from the job details, check if KIBANA_LINK and KIBANA_INDEX_PATTERN_LOG have been set correctly.

Erroneous Job With Virtual Queue

With a virtual failover queue, all queues involved have to be configured in PLOSSYS 5. Otherwise, the jobs for the virtual queue will terminate as erroneous.

Queue Does Not Respond

If a queue no longer respond and no longer print, reactivate the queue by pausing and resuming it in PLOSSYS Administrator. When pausing the queue, all locks will be removed.

Database Lock Timeout

If an error message containing Unable to acquire lock ... within a max lock request timeout of '5ms' milliseconds. is shown in the seal-controller log, the system is temporarily overloaded and the transaction lock timeout needs to be increased.

Add the following line in the setParameter: section in mongod.conf:

   maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis: 30000

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